Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Possible Concept- Flocking - Swams - Cloud Formation

Clouds contain their own shape grammars, in order to create uniquely formed Cumulonimbus Clouds as a model there are certain rules that need to be followed. On further observation of the cloud form I was able to produce my own simple rule set which I believed to be the basis of which it is formed. The width & height of the cloud is relevant to each other, it seemed to be at a ratio of 1:1 and the centre of the cloud is pinched almost at a ration of 1:2 of the clouds height or width.
Width = Height
Centre = Width or Height / 0.5.

To create a cloud shape rather than just spheres, there are several ways of going about to do this. One which I may choose is to simply dropping points onto the surface of the spheres at random points and create spheres which make the clouds pop at different areas forming iterations of the clouds.

How this relates to swarms / flocking:
The way clouds create unique shapes which are unlimited to our imagination is through the way the light hits different points of the shape also the more dense the part of the clouds is creates a shadow and the areas of less density the lighter the cloud seems.
Clouds don't only give the illusion of shapes due to its form it is also by the way the light hits it and the areas of density. If you were to analyse a swarm or flock they also form shapes by its density and shadows formed.

This could be taken into my final assignment where my initial concept could develop into something more in depth. I would love to see this initial idea form into a final project. - "Going a step further with further cumulonimbus cloud lore, sometimes simple observation make them appear as mansions in the sky."*

References: *

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